Artisans Crafting America's Heritage Since 1796...
Early American
Boardman Pewters
Circa 1828
J.D. Boardman
Hartford, Conn.
Circa 1839
Luther Boardman
East Haddam, Conn.
Henry S. Boardman
Hartford, Conn.

Circa 1822
Timothy Boardman
New York, NY
Boardman & Hart
New York, NY
Circa 1844
Boardman & Hall Co.
Philadelphia, PA.
Thomas Danford Boardman
Sherman Boardman (Brothers)
Hartford, Conn.

In 1798, T.D. Boardman and his brother, Sherman, established a pewter and silver business along the Connecticut River in Hartford, Connecticut. As other Boardman artisans entered the business in various places around the Northeast, the Boardman name became renowned for incomparable quality and fine craftsmanship.
Burton Boardman who has retired, had succeeded his father, Joseph, in 1972. Boardman Silversmith's does things differently. There are no assembly lines, no supervisors - each artisan maintains total control of the custom piece throughout the entire production phase, and is in charge of verifying its flawlessness before he begins to work on it and again after he finishes the piece.
The Boardman heritage continues today at Boardman Silversmiths under the guidance and direction of Burton Boardman's wife, Leigh Boardman, President & CEO. Leigh continues the Boardman Tradition of excellence and high standard of quality set by her predessors.
Perfection thus becomes a matter of personal pride and, so, a matter of course.
Boardman Silversmith's commitment to EXCELLENCE extends beyond product to service.
At Boardman Silversmiths today we are artisans crafting America's heritage for tomorrow.

Hallmark of Quality